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174 results found

Press release
Albania, Burkina Faso, India, Montenegro and Uganda have joined forces to halt mercury pollution from the healthcare sector Mercury harms human health and the environment $134-million initiative will support a holistic approach to improve the management of mercury waste and the adoption of alternatives

Geneva, 14 May 2024 – The Governments of Albania, Burkina Faso, India, Montenegro and Ugand

Categorized Under: Global


The forests of the Bamougoum Chiefdom in the western highlands of Cameroon have been sacred grounds for generations. 

Renowned for their natural beauty and rich biodiversity, these landscapes are also home to wildlife, including great apes, civets and pangolins.  

Categorized Under: Africa


The coastal waters of Southeast Asia are home to one of the world’s most productive fisheries, which supports nearly 4 million people. But a growing human population and overfishing are threatening the region’s marine species, including the blue crab.  

Categorized Under: Global

Press release
Ecuador, India, Kenya, Laos, Philippines, Uruguay, and Vietnam have joined forces to reduce the environmental impact of the agricultural sector Highly hazardous pesticides and plastic waste from agriculture release toxic persistent organic pollutants into the environment, also harming human health $379 million initiative will realign financial incentives to prevent the use of harmful inputs in food production

Categorized Under: Global


German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier visited Thailand's largest rice-farming province on January 26, highlighting his government’s support for multilateral efforts to shift towards climate-smart agriculture.

Rice is Thailand’s single most important crop. Rice cultivation covers almost half of the country’s  agricultural land, supporting exports of more than 8 million tonnes each year.


The Global Environment Facility’s member countries have approved $203 million in high-impact climate adaptation investment for Least Developed Countries, Small Island Developing States, and other countries needing to reinforce their food systems, water resources, and warning systems as a result of growing climate change risks.


“If there is one lesson from 2023, it is that we have no time to lose. The GEF is working to quickly and efficiently deploy all resources that donors have entrusted to us for the 2022-2026 period so that we can generate maximum benefits for our recipient countries and for the planet." 

Carlos Manuel Rodríguez, GEF CEO and Chairperson


My grandfather would routinely remove debris from the water’s surface and unclog the outlet as part of maintenance for ensuring an unrestricted flow of surface water, which would later be treated and stored by the water utility. This impressed upon me the value of environmental protection and conservation for supporting vibrant ecosystems and keeping good surface water quality.

Story Climate Action

On the busy streets of Togo’s capital, Lomé, change is afoot amongst some of the city’s motorcycle taxi drivers.

They’re going electric. 

At a battery swapping station, drivers are quick to share their enthusiasm for their new e-motorcycles, replacements for the petrol-powered models they once rode. 

Categorized Under: Climate Action Africa

Story Energy

Sitting at the base of Islamabad’s Margalla Hills is the Raziuddin Siddiqi Memorial Library, a four-storey building packed with more than 2 million books, CDs and DVDs.  

Along with being one of Pakistan’s largest libraries, Raziuddin Siddiqi is unique for another reason: on entering the building one won’t hear the tell-tale flicker of fluorescent lights. 

Categorized Under: Energy Asia and the Pacific


At the heart of coastal communities, where the rhythmic waves meet the whispers of the wind, a profound initiative is taking root—a symphony of restoration aimed at revitalizing our oceans and nurturing the sustainable blue economy. The Fisheries Refugia Concept unfolds as a beacon of hope amid declining fish stocks and habitat degradation plaguing marine ecosystems.

Categorized Under: International Waters


The year 2023 was a landmark one for the global governance of chemicals and waste, with negotiations on a science-policy panel for sound chemical management and talks on an instrument to end plastic pollution both making headway.

Categorized Under: Global

Plastic waste

As an Assistant Task Manager within UNEP’s GEF Chemicals and Waste Unit, Yolanda Cachu is dedicated to ending the harm caused by toxic chemicals and waste.

In an interview, we sat down with her to discuss her work and how she came to work on Small-Island Developing States (SIDS).

What do you do in the Chemicals team?

Categorized Under: Chemicals & Waste


Angèle Delo began panning with mercury in her town in southeastern Burkina Faso at the age of 12. Now she is one of 116 miners who are newly equipped with skills to process ore without the use of this toxic metal, thanks to a new vocational training program developed by planetGOLD Burkina Faso.

Angele plans to not only use this training for her own work, but to also raise awareness among her fellow women miners, especially in the town of Poura where many women still work using mercury.

Meet Angele in episode 12 of planetGOLD's #DispatchesFromTheField series.

Categorized Under: Chemicals & Waste Africa


As an Assistant Task Manager within UNEP’s GEF Chemicals and Waste Unit, Inaki Rodríguez is working to end the harm caused by toxic chemicals and waste.

In an interview, we sat down with him to discuss his work and how he came to work on artisanal and small-scale gold mining.

What do you do in the Chemicals team?

Categorized Under: Chemicals & Waste


As the sun rises across Mexico’s Sierra Gorda nature reserve, a golden light illuminates its nearly 400,000 hectares of mountains, gorges and valleys.

Set amid this vast wilderness is the Bucareli mercury mine.

Just after dawn, a metal door to the mine opens. The morning’s silence is broken by the dull sound of a generator and workers traipsing to their posts.

Story Climate Action

The Caribbean island of Barbuda still bears the battle scars of its most brutal encounter with climate change. In 2017, Hurricane Irma, a Category 5 leviathan of unprecedented power, roared across its pristine turquoise waters.

The island’s only storm shelter collapsed, with 300 people hiding inside. Around 95 per cent of Barbuda’s buildings were wrecked, including homes, schools and critical infrastructure.


It is October 2013, and Rimiko Yoshinaga is standing behind a podium in Minamata, Japan, gazing at an auditorium packed with world leaders.

Silence descends upon the room as she begins recounting how a mysterious illness had killed her father decades earlier.  

Categorized Under: Global


For two decades, paint maker Universal Colors has churned out an assortment of paints and industrial coatings from a small factory in Callao, Peru. Over time, the company has worked to weed out lead, a toxic chemical, from its products. But two varieties of paint proved to be especially problematic to reformulate, including one yellow epoxy paint.

Categorized Under: Chemicals & Waste Global

Story Energy

A few dozen kilometres inland from northern Panama’s coast is the Hato Chami school.

Set amid winding roads, green trees and stunning mountains, it has more than 1,000 pupils, most of whom hail from one of Panama’s largest indigenous groups, the Ngäbe.


Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are organic compounds that used to be produced worldwide but are now banned under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), a global treaty aiming to eliminate or restrict the production, use and trade of chemicals that are recognized as persistent, bio-accumulative and harmful to human and environmental health.

Categorized Under: International Waters

The launch of the Solomon Islands National Environment Portal and the ESRAM Reports as part of Inform project, Solomon Islands Government Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology 2019.

The Pacific Islands are hard-hit by the economic, social, and environmental costs of climate change. Despite the region’s less than 0.02 per cent contribution to the world’s total greenhouse gas emissions, Pacific Island countries are at the frontline of the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution.

Press release
Triple Planetary Crisis: Nature and biodiversity, Pollution and waste, Climate change Location Côte d'Ivoire, Abidjan, Africa

A newly launched Climate Transparency Platform offers a one-stop shop to track countries’ latest reported progress towards global carbon reduction goals, providing a key source of information for governments, civil society, and academia on the road to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change’s COP28 summit in Dubai.

Barrier is effective at trapping plastic and other waste before it flows to the ocean
    An innovative partnership is advancing a simple and effective solution to clearing plastic waste from waterways and turning it into a key element of a circular economy.
Press release
Variable sunbird, Kenya

During the GEF Assembly, Canada and the United Kingdom announced contributions to the new Global Biodiversity Framework Fund, created to ramp up investment in nature restoration and renewal.

VANCOUVER – In good news for nature in a challenging moment, representatives of 185 countries agreed at the Global Environment Facility’s Seventh Assembly in Canada to launch an innovative new fund for biodiversity that will attract funding from governments, philanthropy, and the private sector.

Categorized Under: Biodiversity Global

Showing 1 - 25 of 174