These annual reports highlight the achievements of the Faith for Earth Initiative and progress made towards the attainment of its three overarching goals:
1) Strengthen Partnership with Faith-Based Organizations’ Leadership for Policy Impact
2) Green Faith-Based Organizations’ Investments, Operations and Assets
3) Establish an Accessible Knowledge-Based Support System
These goals were formulated to support the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals and are intended to complement the holistic design of the SDGs. FBOs can positively contribute to sustainable development in comprehensive and diverse ways and the Initiative seeks to facilitate and catalyse these processes. This involves both broadly ensuring FBO’s work is aligned to the SDGs, as well as contextual engagement that embraces the particularities of each faith. Given that Faith for Earth is primarily a normative advocacy initiative, much of the work focuses on expanding its network of affiliated FBOs and forging productive partnerships. These diverse partnerships may consist of linking FBOs with other FBOs, actors in the private and business sectors or with bilateral and multilateral institutions.
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