Unsplash / Jason Wong
15 Feb 2021 Discurso Nature Action

Multilateral environmental governance for a sustainable tomorrow

Unsplash / Jason Wong

Statement prepared for delivery at the Fifth-Open-Ended Committee of Permanent Representatives 

Thank you Chair,

Environmental governance stands tall

I am honoured to address you as we embark on a unique and intense two days – at the Fifth Meeting of the Open-ended Committee of Permanent Representatives. Acknowledging that virtual meetings are not always easy, a few weeks ago, the UN Secretary-General noted that we simply cannot allow the pandemic to keep us from working together on the crucial pathway to Glasgow. I am proud that as we stand on the cusp of a first-ever virtual 5th UN Environment Assembly (UNEA), you are sending a strong message to the world that environmental governance can and will continue. Because people and the planet can no longer afford to wait any more. Because decisions and actions can no longer be deferred.

In this regard, I wish to commend your able leadership and that of the Committee Bureau which has allowed the Committee of Permanent Representatives to reach this milestone.

In the same vein, I wish to recognize the leadership of the President of the Assembly who has led efforts to develop a message from the online UNEA-5. This is a commendable effort to elevate the visibility of the Assembly. My recognition to him and to the members of the Bureau of the Assembly.

It is possible to change our relationship with nature

And the science is crystal clear that after years of postponing action that is now inevitable, we must tackle the three planetary crisis – the climate crisis, the biodiversity and nature crisis, and the pollution and waste crisis. This is at the heart of UNEP’s draft medium-term strategy for 2022 to 2025 which is tabled before you. To fail to address the three crises, would be to change our relationship with the natural world. This is quite simply, not an option.

Excellencies, we are on the home stretch. The draft MTS has been enriched by your guidance. I am confident that you have before you a strategy that will allow UNEP to rise to the environmental challenges of our time, to deliver with greater and more meaningful impact, to Member States, and to strengthen our role as the environmental conscience of the world. 

It is possible to strengthen our actions for nature

During the OECPR, you will also deliberate on three decisions that are central to ensuring the wheels continue to turn, and indeed accelerate at UNEP.

  • The first is the MTS, which I have just spoken about.
  • The second is a decision on the resumption of UNEA-5 in 2022 and on the commemorations for UNEP@50. UNEA 5.2 if I may call it so, will look at further strengthening our actions for nature, for the sustainable development goals and indeed, to secure our future on this planet and to bridge the implementation gaps in international environmental law and environmental governance in the context of the Rio+20 outcome document.
  • At UNEA 5.2 we will also seek to extend our ambitious work and forward-looking agreements on marine litter and microplastics and follow up on relevant mandates from previous sessions including the future of the Global Environment Outlook.
  • Third, we seek your concurrence on a decision on the management of trust funds and earmarked contributions, so we may ensure that resources are where they need to be, to ensure the most efficient utilization of our resource – both at UNEP and the secretariats of multilateral environmental agreements that are housed under the UNEP tent.

You will also review an extensive array of working documents prepared by the Secretariat that will lay the foundation for the resumed of UNEA in 2022.


Let me stress that as you open today’s proceedings, UNEP is in a strong position to live up to its ambitious global mandate and to deliver for Member States. Despite the financial challenges of 2020, I am pleased to report that income to our core fund, the Environment Fund has increased, with contributions from 77 Member States, out of which over 40 per cent paid their “fair share” (in line with the Voluntary Indicative Scale of Contributions. I thank you for your vote of confidence in us and I count on all countries to contribute in 2021.


This will be a UNEA like no other. Sitting at the pinnacle of environmental governance, your determination to get on with the job at hand, despite the difficulties of an online meeting, sets the bar and sets it high. At a time when countries are borrowing unprecedented monies from future generations to kick-start economies and overcome the devastation of this pandemic, I submit to you that there has never been a more important role for UNEA on the world stage.

I thank you.

Inger Andersen

Executive Director