Photo by Grant Ritchie/ Unsplash
23 Feb 2021 Discurso Medio ambiente bajo revisión

A strong voice for people and planet: Closing the Fifth UN Environment Assembly

Photo by Grant Ritchie/ Unsplash

Statement prepared for delivery at the closing session of the Fifth UN Environment Assembly

Minister Rotevatn,

Excellencies, distinguished Ambassadors, Observers, partners and friends,

It has been a complex, uncertain and at times difficult journey – but here we are – at the conclusion of the first-ever virtual UN Environment Assembly.

Excellencies, I salute you for continuing to raise a strong voice for a planet in crisis. I salute you for recognizing that we cannot afford to wait any longer to make peace with nature. I salute you for the inspirational messages calling on us all to recover from the pandemic with a clear view to creating a more just and sustainable world.

Over the last two days we listened to more than 80 Ministers of Environment, representatives of sister UN agencies, international organizations as well as civil society and major groups – making strong and affirmative commitments to action.


I thank you for your confidence in UNEP’s bold new strategy to deliver on the three planetary crises of climate, nature and pollution. A strategy that is grounded in the science that has so eloquently been put forward by UNEP’s Synthesis Report, Making Peace with Nature, which not only underpinned our new strategy, but that will also guide us as we journey towards a resumed session of the fifth UN Environment Assembly in March 2022.


I end with a note of deep appreciation to the President of the Fifth session of UNEA - Minister Rotevatn and the UNEA Bureau for steering the ship in these unprecedented times. To President Kenyatta and our host country Kenya – your consistent support makes us so proud to be in the environmental capital of the world. To all the Ministers who contributed to the Leadership Dialogues – your powerful call to action energized our actions as we embark on this important year. To youth groups and civil society and stakeholders – thank you for continuing to hold us to account. My thanks also to Ambassador Coimbra, for his deft and able leadership of the Committee of Permanent Representatives.

And finally, to UNEP colleagues who have been working tirelessly to support such a successful UNEA. I cannot stress enough – how deeply proud I am to lead this organization and its people. So to UNEP personnel around the world – huge huge thanks.

As the UN Secretary-General noted in his opening remarks – “To a large degree, the viability of humanity on this planet depends on [our] efforts.” I believe that together, we have laid the strong foundations for this journey ahead and for a successful commemoration of UNEP’s 50th anniversary in 2022.


Thank you.

Inger Andersen

Executive Director