This Summary Brief links SDG16 (on peace, justice and strong institutions), the environmental rule of law, human rights and a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment. It additionally examines the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on human rights and the environmental rule of law- with a focus on the role of environmental human rights defenders in the Asia-Pacific region. This resource canvasses good practices and ongoing challenges, including the legal protections needed for environmental human rights defenders, as well as sets out key messages and a range of recommendations.
United Nations Environment Programme
- Sobre nosotros
- Regiones
Explora los temas
- Aire
- Bioseguridad
- Cities
- Tecnología
- Desastres y conflictos
- Energía
- Medio ambiente bajo revisión
- Gobernanza ambiental
- Industria extractiva
- Bosques
- Food Systems
- Agua
- Igualdad de género
- Economía verde
- Océanos y mares
- Eficiencia de recursos
- Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible
- Transporte
- Educación y capacitación
- Ciencia y datos