We build national capacities to develop and enforce laws and strengthen institutions for achieving environmental objectives.

Strong environmental law is the bedrock of environmental governance and a cornerstone of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. At UNEP we are working internationally and with over 50 individual countries to ensure the progressive development of environmental law.

We provide:

  • expert guidance on the development of environmental legislation (wildlife, extractives, climate, crimes with serious impacts on the environment, etc.)
  • legal assistance to help strengthen and streamline institutional arrangements and capacities for tackling environmental issues.
  • technical and legal assistance to countries to strengthen capacities for enforcement of environmental law.

We support countries to strengthen transboundary cooperation, national capacities, awareness raising and communication.

UNEP helps to manage chemical waste in Africa, Caribbean and Pacific

Chemicals constitute an integral part of modern society with an estimated 100,000 different substances in use today. The food we eat, the electronic devices we use, the medicines we take – all are made possible…

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A list of all Environmental governance resources is available. Read more

Our Partners

The diversity of the partnerships in the field of Environmental Governance is notable for its great scope. UNEP works with partners, both governmental and non-governmental, and national and international. Read more