16 Apr 2020 Récit Environmental law and governance

Promoting the engagement of MEAs in the negotiation process of the zero draft of the Post 2020 global biodiversity framework

The second meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG-2) on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework was held in Rome, Italy, in February 2020. The objective of the meeting was to advance global discussions on Post-2020 global biodiversity framework and build a framework that is inclusive and transformative to match the global ambition of living in harmony with nature and bending the curve of loss of one million species highlighted by the IPBES 2019 global assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services.

The United Nations Environment Programme took part in the meeting and offered its support to the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity and other multilateral environmental agreements to strengthen their engagement in the negotiation process of the draft text (Zero draft) of the Post 2020 global biodiversity framework (GBF), with the hope to lead to its adoption at the next Convention of the Biological Diversity, COP 15.

The importance of the engagement of other multilateral environmental agreements is reflected in the overarching principles of the consultation process. To this end, UNEP is organizing the follow-up workshop of biodiversity-related conventions (Bern II) to engage MEAs secretariats and regional members of their governing bodies, to include concrete elements in the GBF that promote cooperation and synergies among the MEAs.

The working Group led by the co-chairs of OEWG-2 organized its discussions in 4 areas:

  • Goals of the framework, including the relationship between goals for 2030 and 2050;
  • Ways to reduce threats to biodiversity, including new targets for protection, sustainable use and the control of invasive alien species, among others;
  • Meeting people’s needs through sustainable use and benefit sharing;
  • Tools and solutions for mainstreaming biodiversity across government, society and the economy and Enabling Conditions to support the implementation of the Post 2020 Biodiversity Framework


Many countries agreed that the structure of the draft should have a focus on long term goals for 2050 and short-term actionable targets and milestones for 2030 for measurability and monitoring. The Parties highlighted and recommended the promotion of synergies, not only among biodiersity-related Conventions, but also with other intergovernmental processes that address pollution and waste, such as the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management  (SAICM) and the chemicals cluster, as well as other sectors such as health, the circular economy, sustainable production and consumption, and in-depth analysis of the monitoring framework.

To promote implementation and mainstreaming of the framework, Parties stressed on the importance of enhancing reporting and monitoring of the deliverables at the national, regional and global levels. They also agreed on the need to have adequate and predictable resources, strengthened and focused capacity building, and technical and scientific cooperation with robust knowledge management systems, as very critical for the effective implementation of the framework.

UNEP developed the Data Reporting Tool (DaRT) that enhances knowledge management and synchronized reporting, hence promoting cooperation and synergies among biodiversity-related conventions. The tool facilitates close collaboration at the national level between the focal point of the CBD and the focal points of other relevant conventions. This would help governments to develop coherent and synergistic approaches across the conventions and increase effectiveness of national efforts.

To read more about the DaRT tool, please go here.

For more information, please contact: Diane.Klaimi[at]un.org I Catherine.Abuto[at]un.org