The objective and purpose was to visulise how important a role Faithbased organisations have to play in the discussion of the environment and the creation of projects and program with a local sustainable impact. The role of 7B was to visualise the people and projects in the room, enable them to build linkages and partnerships and align individuals and groups (12 projects and three themes) with actionable outcomes they have created that supports the Faith for Earth strategy and the UN SDG agenda.
Programme des Nations Unies pour l'environnement
- A propos
- Régions
Parcourir les sujets
- Air
- Biosécurité
- Cities
- Technologie
- Catastrophes et conflits
- Energie
- L'environnement à l'étude
- Gouvernance environnementale
- Activités extractives
- Food Systems
- Forêts
- Eau douce
- Egalité des sexes
- Economie verte
- Mers et océans
- Utilisation rationnelle des ressources
- Objectifs de développement durable
- Transports
- Enseignement et formation
- Science & données