This Summary Brief links SDG16 (on peace, justice and strong institutions), the environmental rule of law, human rights and a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment. It additionally examines the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on human rights and the environmental rule of law- with a focus on the role of environmental human rights defenders in the Asia-Pacific region. This resource canvasses good practices and ongoing challenges, including the legal protections needed for environmental human rights defenders, as well as sets out key messages and a range of recommendations.
Programme des Nations Unies pour l'environnement
- A propos
- Régions
Parcourir les sujets
- Air
- Biosécurité
- Cities
- Technologie
- Catastrophes et conflits
- Energie
- L'environnement à l'étude
- Gouvernance environnementale
- Activités extractives
- Food Systems
- Forêts
- Eau douce
- Egalité des sexes
- Economie verte
- Mers et océans
- Utilisation rationnelle des ressources
- Objectifs de développement durable
- Transports
- Enseignement et formation
- Science & données