06 Dec 2021 Blogpost Climate change

Global Adaptation Network Newsletter: October & November 2021

Find the original version of the newsletter here.

What does COP26 mean for adaptation? – COP26, though imperfect, had far-reaching implications for adapting to climate change, including new funding pledges, an increased recognition of issues around ‘loss and damage’, a work programme tasked with developing a Global Goal on Adaptation, and an acknowledgement of the critical role of "restoring nature and ecosystems in delivering benefits for climate adaptation". Read the full story here.

Global Network News

Adaptation Gap Report 2021 - The Adaptation Gap Report 2021, published in early November, finds there is an urgent need to step up climate adaptation finance. "Estimated adaptation costs in developing countries are five to ten times greater than current public adaptation finance flows, and the adaptation finance gap is widening." Within 24 hours after the launch, 545 articles were published about the report in 487 media outlets.

Online course shows how to bring ‘ecosystem-based adaptation’ into National Adaptation Plans – UNEP, UNITAR and partners have launched a brand-new e-course, titled Building Climate Resilience Through Ecosystem-based Adaptation Planning. The course builds on the Guidelines For Integrating Ecosystem-based Adaptation into National Adaptation Planswhich were released earlier this year.

The power of film to show climate adaptation in mountains – The Last Glaciers, a new documentary about climate change in mountain regions, was screened at the Generation Restoration Film Festival in November. In addition, the Sustainable Summits Film was released during COP26 to raise awareness and political support for action to tackle the impacts of climate in the mountains. The film features voices from UNEP, the COP Presidency and civil society.

New finance mechanism to improve climate data  – At COP26, the World Meteorological Organization, UNDP and UNEP announced the creation of the Systematic Observations Financing Facility (SOFF). The SOFF will fill gaps in essential weather and climate data, which affect our capacity to predict and adapt to extreme weather events. In its first 3-year implementation period, the SOFF will support 55 countries to close the weather and climate observation gaps.

Beating the Heat: A Sustainable Cooling Handbook for Cities – This new guide offers planners an encyclopaedia of proven options to help cool cities. The guide’s 80 supporting case studies and examples demonstrate the effectiveness of the strategies outlined and can help cities find an approach best suited to their unique contexts. Overheated cities face disproportionate climate costs due to the ‘heat island effect’.

Global EbA Fund receives $10m boost - The Global EbA Fund, led by UNEP and IUCN, has now approved its first seven grants, ranging from coral reef protection in the Philippines to restoring riverbank ecosystems for erosion control in Fiji. At COP26, the Federal Environment Ministry of Germany announced it will provide an additional €10m to the Global EbA Fund. The next application cut-off is 28 February 2022.

Nature-based Solutions in Humanitarian Contexts: Key Messages - A set of key messages have been developed to emphasise the relevance of nature-based solutions for the humanitarian sector, particularly in the context of strengthening climate and disaster resilience. It finds "a paradigm shift is needed from short-term, small-scale humanitarian response operations towards long-term, landscape-scale responses that integrate nature."

Infrastructure for Climate Action - By providing quantitative evidence of the influence of infrastructure on sustainable development and climate mitigation and adaptation, Infrastructure for Climate Action highlights the key role that infrastructure plays in fostering climate-compatible development. "The publication emphasizes the need for taking a holistic, systematic and integrated approach to infrastructure development."

Knowledge Gaps in Integrating Forest & Grasslands Biodiversity and Ecosystems into Adaptation Strategies – A new scoping paper on biodiversity and climate adaptation has been published by the UNFCCC Nairobi Work Programe’s Biodiversity and Climate Change Adaptation Expert Group. The paper draws on four adaptation projects supported by UNEP in Cambodia, Gambia, Sudan and Tanzania.

2021 Global Status Report For Buildings & Construction – This report, published by the UNEP-hosted Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (GlobalABC), tracks the building and construction sector's progress towards meeting the Paris Agreement goals, based on key indicators for energy use, emissions, technologies, policies, and investments globally.

News from the Regions
Asia Pacific

Nepal uses nature to strengthen resilience against floods and drought - A new project is using ecosystem-based adaptation to build the resilience of urban communities in the Kathmandu Valley against negative climate impacts. The $6.2 million project, funded by the Least Developed Countries Fund, is establishing and restoring urban green spaces and installing rainwater harvesting systems to improve water availability for vulnerable urban communities.

Enhancing Early Warning Systems for increased resilience in Timor-Leste – A new $21.7 million project will strengthen nationwide climate information services and multi-hazard early warning systems in Timor-Leste. Early Warning Systems allow effective adaptation and disaster risk reduction by empowering vulnerable populations to initiate timely and appropriate actions to reduce the impacts of climate-related hazards.

Launch of #RootsOfHope White Paper - Produced by the Save our Mangroves Now (SOMN) initiative, the #RootsofHope white paper is the first study of its kind to explore the socioeconomic value of mangroves in the Western Indian Ocean region and features key impact statistics and achievements from SOMN. The initiative is led by WWF, IUCN, Wetlands International, and Germany's Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation & Development.

News from the Regions

The Dutch are masters at taming water. Climate change is teaching them to just let it flood – A story by CNN explores how the Netherlands is leading the way with flood defence strategies. The authors write: “While 'adaptation' sounds like a dull word in climate talk, the Dutch have been adapting to the whims of water for a long time. Pumps, dikes and giant moveable seawalls protect the country, at least half of which is threatened by floods.”

Assessing impacts of climate change on Carpathian forest ecosystems – UNEP is hosting the Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention, which is a treaty to foster the sustainable development and the protection of the Carpathian region. On 16 November, the Secretariat gathered expert nominees from all Carpathian countries to work on an assessment to highlight adaptation solutions to climate impacts in the region.

News from the Regions
Latin America & The Caribbean

Green Climate Fund approves $174 million to finance adaptation in the Central American Dry Corridor - The Green Climate Fund has approved the Central American Dry Corridor Program financing proposal presented by the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) for $174 million to increase the region's capacity to adapt to the effects of climate change. The resources will benefit around 2.4 million people.

Costa Rica & the Climate Classroom - The initiative known as Plan A: Resilience Districts, part of Costa Rica’s National Adaptation Plan, has launched 2 climate adaptation courses under the Climate Classroom, an e-learning platform of the Ministry of Environment and Energy of Costa Rica that seeks to strengthen capacities for climate action among actors from civil society, the public sector and private and academy.

News from the Regions

State and Trends in Adaptation Report 2021: Africa – The Global Center on Adaptation has launched its new State and Trends report, which combines in-depth analyses, case studies, and viewpoints from those on the frontlines of climate change impacts in Africa. It presents a detailed blueprint for action, offering innovative adaptation and resilience ideas, solutions, and policy recommendations.

EBAFOSA’s Climate Action Digest – The latest issue of the Ecosystem-based Adaptation for Food Security Assembly’s (EBAFOSA) newsletter focuses on the Training of Community Actors For Drying Harvests Using Climate Action Solutions of Solar Dryers in Nigeria. The issue also covers initiatives that are empowering youth to participate in climate action solutions and improving the living standards of the people of Nigeria through the creation of agro-opportunities.

Upcoming Events

December 7
Webinar: Climate Adaptation Agenda in Cities & Nature-based Economy: Post-COP26 Reflections & Opportunities

December 8
Bridges In The Andes Conference: Transiting Towards Sustainability

January 25-26
6th International EbA Community of Practice Workshop

February 28
Global EbA Fund: Deadline for 3rd Call for Proposals

February 28 - March 2
5th Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly


For more information, please contact Marcus.Nield@un.org