13 Nov 2023 Blogpost

UNEP Adaptation Events at the Asia-Pacific Climate Week 2023

UNEP/Marcus Nield

As the Asia Pacific Climate Week kicks off today at the Persada Johor International Convention Center in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, UNEP and the Global Adaptation Network will be organizing the following the events. The specific room for these events may be subject to change. Check the interactive programme here for the latest.

Towards a Cool COP28: Sustainable Cooling Solutions in Asia-Pacific

When: Tuesday 14 November at 9:30-11:00am (GM+8)
Room: Kuala Danga 208
Organizers: Cop28 UAE Presidency, UNEP, Cool Coalition, United for Efficiency, UNFCCC High-level Champions Team

This session seeks to highlight leadership from the region in innovative and sustainable cooling technologies, policies, and initiatives, as well as showcase regional commitments to the COP28 Global Cooling Pledge. It also aims to promote collaboration and knowledge exchange among stakeholders in the region. For example, the event will highlight the existing ASEAN Cool Initiative, aims to modernize, and enhance minimum energy performance standards in line with global best practices and the ASEAN Regional Roadmap by 2025.

Building Momentum to Close Priority Adaptation Knowledge Gaps in Asia-Pacific

When: Tuesday 14 November at 12:30-15:00am (GM+8)
Room: Persada Annexe 307
Organizers: UNFCCC, UNEP Global Adaptation Network, ICIMOD

This affiliated event, co-organized by UNFCCC, UNEP and ICIMOD, aims to demonstrate progress and inspire action to advance the closure of adaptation knowledge gaps in the Pacific Small Island Developing States and the Hindu Kush Himalayan sub-regions. By highlighting the successes, best practices and learnings from these regions, the event seeks to strengthen collective action and cross-learning, galvanize further support and resources to bridge the identified knowledge gaps and develop a road map to catalyze further action.

Blue Horizons: Private Sector Investments and Upscaling through Regional Seas

When: Wednesday 15 November at 14:00-15:00 (GMT +8)
Room: Tanjung Puteri 305
Organizers: UNEP, IUCN 

This side event seeks to shine light on the transformative potential of private sector in driving sustainable growth through Blue Economy and upscaling Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA), and the role of the Regional Seas Programmes as an avenue for dialogue and regional exchange to upscale best practices. By examining successful case studies, emerging opportunities, and collaborative strategies, the session seeks to inspire dialogue and actionable insights to accelerate progress on climate action.

Investing in Locally-led Adaptation for enhancing resilience: Possibilities and Barriers

When: Thursday 16 November at 9:00-10:00am (GMT+8)
Room: Tanjung Puteri 305
Organizers: UNEP, ICLEI, IUCN, CDKN 

This side event will bring together experts, practitioners and locally-led adaptation (LLA) implementers to elaborate on the scale of the needs, opportunities as well as barriers faced, while accessing finance for implementing LLA. This session will explore enabling environments and accelerators to channel finance for implementing adaptation actions by communities. There is no one-size-fits all approach to financing and operationalising LLA, rather, opportunities need to be explored to identify various delivery mechanisms for different local contexts that can also influence systemic change.

Intergenerational Action to Strengthen Climate Resilience

When: Friday 17 November at 9:00-9:30am (GMT+8)
Room: Action Hub
Organizers: UNEP Global Adaptation Network (GAN), HelpAge International, EPIC Network

This Action Hub intergenerational dialogue aims to enhance the understanding of the needs of youth and older people in urban areas and identification of entry points for strengthening links between these groups. The dialogue will discuss key barriers in bringing generations together and highlight solutions in building inclusive urban resilience underscoring the importance of locally informed and community-driven adaptation efforts across society.

Transformative Adaptation and Resilience for All: Dialogues on System-wide Restructuring#

When: Friday 17 November at 9:00-10:00am (GMT+8)
Room: Kuala Danga 207
Organizers: UNEP’s Asia Pacific Adaptation Network (APAN), FAO, UNDP, IUCN, ADB

The 8th Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum (APAN Forum) took place in the Republic of Korea between 30 August to 1 September. From these discussions, four key characteristics of transformative adaptation were identified as: restructuring, path-shifting, system-wide, and inclusive (just). Using the four transformative adaptation characteristics, this upcoming panel discussion will delve into the conditions and mechanisms required to incorporate transformative change and systemic resilience into adaptation strategies relevant to their respective fields.

The goal is of the side event is to shape region-wide priorities and pathways essential for accelerating transformative adaptation, while making progress in addressing both adaptation and loss and damage within the context of the Global Stocktake and the Global Goal on Adaptation.