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The territory of the Wet’suwet’en Indigenous Peoples sits in the shadows of Canada’s snow-capped western Coast Mountains. Dotted by pine trees and laced with glacier-fed lakes, much of it is a vast wilderness that has supported the Wet’suwet’en for centuries.

But the climate crisis is threatening to change that.


It was an ecological time bomb.

In mid-2022, a toxic algal bloom began to quickly spread through the Oder River, which in part straddles the border between Germany and Poland.


A United Nations summit on the state of the world’s food systems opens today in Rome, Italy, a gathering that comes amid mounting concerns about the planet’s long-term ability to feed a fast-growing human population.


In recent weeks, temperatures have soared around the globe, with a string of heatwaves baking cities from the United States to China.


When it came time to water her rice fields, farmer Im Heng used to have to lug a diesel-powered water pump across her property in Cambodia’s southern Takeo province.

Along with being heavy, the machine was expensive to operate and spewed climate-altering greenhouse gases.

But the generator is now a thing of the past.

Story Energy

While summer in the northern hemisphere is just a few days old, it is already proving to be a scorcher, with heat waves blanketing countries from China to the United States.

Categorized Under: Energy


Near the Issyk-Kul Lake in the eastern mountains of the Kyrgyz Republic lies Jyrgalan, a village of 1,000 inhabitants. The scenic village was once a hidden gem but is quickly gaining traction as a tourist destination, with biking and hiking trails having multiplied. But this is posing challenges such as increased waste generation, including plastics.


Every day in the town of Baroueli in south-central Mali, Radio Soumpou crackles with the weather for the coming days.

But this is no ordinary forecast. Along with predictions for temperature, humidity and precipitation, broadcasters discuss historic rainfall patterns and the risk of the spread of a millet-wasting disease known as mildew.


Belgium has provided a 3-million-euro grant to help the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) address the climate crisis. The funding will in part support UNEP’s efforts to help countries adapt to droughts, rising seas and the other ripple effects of climate change.


"If there is one key takeaway from this synthesis report – for nations, businesses, investors, and every individual who contributes to climate change – it is this: we must move from climate procrastination to climate activation. And we must do it today." – UNEP Executive Director Inger Andersen


Farmer Nima Elmassad noticed the weather changing around seven years ago. In Sudan’s southern White Nile State, the rains began coming later and falling inconsistently. During the long, harsh dry season, her children had to travel three hours per day to collect water, and all but one dropped out of school. The family donkey that towed their water wagon became progressively weaker.


On World Wetlands Day, we look at how communities in Indonesia are turning to mangroves to buffer themselves against rising seas and more intense storms.


Armenia, a mountainous, landlocked country in the South Caucasus, is one of the most vulnerable countries in Europe and Central Asia to climate change. The nation’s average temperature has risen by more than 1.2°C since 1929, and changing climatic patterns have caused the degradation of important landscapes, including watersheds and wetlands.

Story Climate change

There was a lot at stake when more than 35,000 climate experts, negotiators, scientists and hopeful activists attended the UN Climate Change Conference (Cop27) from 6-16 November in Egypt this year. The whole world looked on, eager to see tangible agreements on how to tackle climate change in a year that has seen record-breaking heatwaves across the Northern Hemisphere, persistent droughts in the Horn of Africa, and extraordinary flooding in South Asia.

Categorized Under: Climate change Global


The establishment of a Loss and Damage Fund was, for many, the highlight of the United Nations Climate Conference (COP 27) and the culmination of decades of pressure from climate-vulnerable developing countries.


In negotiations that went down to the wire over the weekend, countries reached a historic decision to establish and operationalize a loss and damage fund, particularly for nations most vulnerable to the climate crisis.


As the United Nations Climate Conference (COP27) unfolds in Egypt, there are growing calls for countries to protect conserve and restore the ocean, which experts say is crucial for reducing further global warming and helping communities adapt to the fallout from the climate crisis; as wel


World leaders, heads of business and civil society members will descend on the Egyptian resort town of Sharm El Sheikh on Sunday for the United Nations Climate Conference (COP27).


The climate crisis increasing its intensity and reach, with droughts, floods and heatwaves becoming regular occurrences in both hemispheres. This has triggered a global conversation on how to help people, ecosystems and economies to adapt to a new reality known as climate change adaptation.


The window to take urgent climate action is closing rapidly. Unless countries dramatically scale up their efforts to counter the climate crisis, the world faces a global catastrophe, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres warned today.


24 October marks United Nations Day, the anniversary of the day in 1945 when the UN Charter entered into force. In the past 77 years, the UN has worked to maintain international peace and security, promote social progress, improve living standards and support human rights.


The destructive impacts of the climate crisis are being felt around the world. This year, unprecedented floods have left one-third of Pakistan underwater, people and animals are dying from climate-related droughts in East Africa, and China is experiencing the most severe heat wave ever recorded.


In the aftermath of intense rains during Nepal’s 2019 monsoon season, farmer Geeta Tharu found her house submerged in a pool of water. The rains destroyed Tharu’s grain stores, which eventually plunged her family into debt.


In the Mpanda Commune in north-western Burundi, a long ribbon of rubber – about a metre high and two metres wide – snakes through a farmer’s field before disappearing into foliage.

A woman is sowing her crops alongside the structure, which is bulging with water and circles much of the commune.


Catastrophic floods have hit Pakistan in recent weeks that have killed over 1,000 people, displaced close to 500,000 and impacted the lives of over 30 million residents.

The floods have left more than one-third of the country submerged in water, with the government saying more rain is expected.

Showing 26 - 50 of 164