16 Aug 2023 News

Artwork of 1st and 2nd place winners in Youth Drawing category of the 2022 Asia-Pacific Ozone2Climate Contest

Images by 2022 Ozone2Climate Art Contest - UNEP Asia-Pacific Region

UNEP OzonAction is pleased to exhibit on a weekly basis the 36 winning pieces of art from the 2022 “Asia Pacific Regional Ozone2Climate Art Contest”.  The 1st and 2nd place winners in the Youth Drawing category are displayed below. 

The competition was designed to increase public awareness about the importance of the Montreal Protocol for protecting human health and nature and to generate further support for the Protocol’s compliance objectives.

The contest was organized as part of UNEP’s mandate as an Implementing Agency of the Protocol’s Multilateral Fund.

Winner Youth Drawing1st place Philippines A. Nicole Sitjar
1st place in the Youth Drawing Category, "Let there be shield on earth” by Adrianne Nicole Sitjar, Philippines

The poster depicts the human initiatives to preserve the ozone on earth. It highlights life on earth. The man symbolizes the people who took care of the environment specifically nurturing and propagating plants for food consumption and mainly to protect the ozone layer from destruction...The positive benifits of ozone is exhibited in the illustration og buildings and significant infrastructures which do not show destructions of the ozone layer but on the developmental aspects of the earth.The negative results are exhibited at the left middleground symbolizes the things people should actually avoid doing or initiating...to secure human lives and preserve earth after all.The montreal protocol in the form of watering can/container symbolizes its support and initiatives which bring ozone shield and the EARTH to be always the safer place to live in now and for the next generation to come...

Winner Youth Drawing 2nd Indonesia Aisha Baby Joanna
2nd place in the Youth Drawing Category, "Protect Ozone As Your Mother Protects You" by Aisha Baby Joanna, Indonesia

I invite everyone to work together to protect ozone because of its important role for Ozone is now depleting, the impact is very bad for the preservation of nature, namely damage to marine life, stunted plant growth, cancer and cataracts in humans, disease in animals etc. The Montreal Protocol aims to reduce the use of Destructive Substances Ozone is commonly found in air conditioners, refrigerators, hair spray, chair foam, etc. Let's apply ozone loving behavior by choosing products that don't contain ODS, buy them with the CFC and HCFC free logo, routine air conditioning maintenance, planting trees, reducing use car etc. Let's protect ozone for a better life.

Winner Youth Drawing 2nd Malaysia Ooi Zi En
2nd place in the Youth Drawing Category, "The Ozone Rescuers" by Ooi Zi En, Malaysia

The Montreal Protocol and Kigali Amendment like powerful hands protecting and caring for all life under the sun by slowing climate change and helping to boost energy efficiency in cooling sectors. These global agreements keeping us, our food and vaccines cool.