27 Oct 2023 News

The Planet is your Canvas: An Artistic Journey from Panama to Nairobi

Image by UNEP OzonAction

Nairobi, Kenya, 27 October 2023 – As part of the 35th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol (MOP), an extraordinary art exhibition was presented that brought an inspiring and powerful message. "The Planet is your Canvas" organized by UNEP OzonAction highlights creativity and environmental awareness in Latin America and the Caribbean.


The exhibition was brought from Panama to Nairobi so that member countries of the Montreal Protocol attending the 35th MOP could get to know more about the contest and appreciate art as a way to communicate and raise awareness about the ozone layer and climate change. The exhibition was displayed in the main lobby of the United Nations Headquarters in Nairobi, giving high visibility to the OzonAction Branch.


The winning artwork – from Argentina, Chile, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Saint Lucia, and Trinidad and Tobago – combines artistic skills with a passion for environmental protection and is a visual depiction of a crucial cause. "The Planet is your Canvas" exhibition provided a platform for highlighting international cooperation and the importance of working together on pressing environmental issues.  It also reminds us that, while environmental threats are global, so are the solutions. Through creativity and collaboration, we can inspire present and future generations to act for our planet.


For further information:

Anne Fenner
Information Manager,
UNEP OzonAction


Niurka Gonzalez, Panama admiring the art of Marina Gonzalez

Ecuadorian delegate proud of art of Noelia Vizuela_1.jpg

Siti Soraya Soemadiredja visiting OzonAction art exhibtion

Teresa and Jim Curlin.jpg