
OzoNews, Volume XIX, 30 July 2019 issue

OzoNews, Volume XIX, 30 July 2019 issue

In this issue:
1. Update on new refrigerants designations and safety classifications - factsheet
2. Why do Antarctic Ozone recovery trends vary?
3. Architecture and financing models for efficient cooling alongside the Montreal
Protocol - Discussion paper
4. The role of refrigeration in the global economy
5. Montreal Protocol and Legal Experts from Southern African Development
Community countries team up for Kigali Amendment
6. Training-workshop on refrigeration and air conditioning - Eritrea
7. Philippines on right track in global phaseout of HCFC
8. Protect your business: Buy refrigerants from safe sources!
9. Introduction to refrigeration standard EN 378
10. Revised Part 2 of the Guide to Good Commercial Refrigeration Practice series
