Toolkits, manuals and guides

Training Programme for National Ozone Officers

Training Programme for National Ozone Officers

Comprehensive modular training programme for new National Ozone Officers (NOOs), assistants and other staff of National Ozone Units. 

A key factor contributing to the significant success of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer is the ‘country-driven approach’. This approach places National Ozone Units at the centre of the action to protect the ozone layer. The National Ozone Unit led by the National Ozone Officer (NOO), is the single most important element in national strategies to comply with the Montreal Protocol. The knowledge and capacity of the NOO in effectively developing projects, managing strategies, reporting data, and working with national and international institutions - directly or indirectly - affects each developing (Article 5) country’s ability to meet its obligations under the Montreal Protocol treaty.  

For this reason, OzonAction has completely transformed and updated its NOO training programme to assist NOUs is successfully understanding all the roles and requirements and in carrying out their daily tasks in Montreal Protocol implementation. The main objective of this training programme is to provide new National Ozone Unit (NOU) staff with essential information about the Montreal Protocol, a country’s obligations under the Montreal Protocol, and the main activities carried out by NOUs. It aims to provide new NOU staff with fundamental knowledge and information tools that will enable them to support their national government in meeting the commitments agreed by all countries under the Montreal Protocol.
