
ROLAC contribution to global technical leadership on environment and emergencies

The Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (ROLAC) has been contributing to global technical leadership on environment and emergencies through different projects.

E-learning on environment and human mobility

UNEP is developing an E-Learning on Environment and Human Mobility, to be released in 2021, featuring contents on the environmental drivers of human mobility, the environmental impacts including environmental security consequences of human mobility, but also tools for humanitarian actors to use in their response to human mobility events in the region and to better mitigate their environmental footprint.

Global Guidance for Environment in Humanitarian Action and Response Planning

UNEP is developing a Global Guidance for Environment in Humanitarian Action and Response Planning, for humanitarian actors to use as a tool to better identify the relationship between their proposed intervention and the environment, mitigate potential negative effects, and enhance environmental benefits and resilience through their response.

The interest of the Global Guidance is for humanitarian actors to have a readily available tool they can apply to their context of intervention, all without the need for expert support on the ground. Orientations by sectors and clusters will be proposed and detailed.