Программа ООН по окружающей среде

ACP-MEAs 3: Monthly Digests and Quarterly Newsletters

31 January 2022
Digest's thumbnail

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is pleased to present you the Monthly Digests and Quarterly Newsletters by the African, Caribbean and the Pacific Multilateral Environmental Agreements Programme 3 (ACP-MEAs 3). As an informative publication, the Digest provides a collection of key information from various sources, including from programme partners on issues related to Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs), environmental governance, ocean governance, sustainable development, and South-South Cooperation relevant for the implementation of the ACP MEAs 3 Programme. The Newsletter provides insights into actions implemented under the ACP-MEAs 3 Programme for each quarter. 


  • Access the archive of the Monthly Digest here
  • Access the archive of the Quarterly Newsletter here

Visit the ACP MEAs 3 Programme Webpage