Entitled “For People and Planet: The United Nations Environment Programme Strategy for 2022–2025 to Tackle Climate Change, Loss of Nature and Pollution”, UNEP’s Mid-Term Strategy for 2022-2025 was discussed and adopted by 193 countries that participated in the Fifth United Nations Environment Assembly virtually held 22- 23 February. Congratulations to UNEP, the international community, and in particular to the faith community and our accredited faith-based organizations who participated and contributed to making sure that the role of religious players is included in the Strategy and highlighted as an innovative communicating strategy driving environmental advocacy. The Mid-Term Strategy has further stressed that UNEP will continue to promote faithbased organizations and communities as custodians of far-reaching, value-based perspectives on environmental sustainability that speak to billions of people around the world. UNEP will operate on the basis of an inclusive multilateralism that reaches beyond governments and supports systemic shifts, with the help and collaboration of the private sector and business community, youth, civil society at large and faith-based organizations.
Программа ООН по окружающей среде
- О нас
- Регионы
- Воздух
- Биобезопасность
- Города
- Технология
- Бедствия и конфликты
- Энергетика
- Обзор окружающей среды
- Управление природопользованием
- Добывающая отрасль
- Food Systems
- Леса
- Пресная вода
- Гендер
- Зеленая экономика
- Моря и океаны
- Ресурсоэффективность
- Цели в области устойчивого развития
- Транспорт
- Обучение и подготовка
- Научные данные