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Faith for Earth Updates - 30 June 2021

30 June 2021
Faith for Earth Newsletter

We celebrated World Environment Day on June 5th and alongside UNEP and FAO launched the Decadeof Ecosystem Restorations. Over 1.39 million people in over 190 countries engaged with the digitalplatform. The official events with participation from heads of states, religious leaders, musicians,entrepreneurs, activists has so far been viewed by nearly 300,000 people. At least 35,000 celebratedthe Decade launch in partner-led events. More than 40,000 press articles were so far published inover 6,140 outlets across 174 countries in 37 languages.

The Day is not over yet as environmental challenges are still facing us. We need to step up our efforts,reach out to more people, engage with more communities and make our voices heard. Let's makeWorld Environment Day every day.

Faith for Earth is committed to work with you to mobilize the power of faith and religions. Keepengaging and keep up the pressure.