Youth Programmes & Initiatives

imgYoung Champions of the Earth

Young Champions of the Earth is a forward-looking prize designed to breathe life into the ambitions of brilliant young environmentalists.




imgGEO-6 for Youth

GEO-6 for Youth is a one-stop-shop for a young person to understand the state of the environment, what they can do every day to drive markets to adopt environmentally sustainable products and services and how to develop their skills and choose environmentally sustainable careers. 


imgGreen Jobs for Youth

This initiative is designed to increase demand for green jobs in the workforce and help create a stronger supply of necessary green and environmental sustainability skills through education. The goal is for this to lead to a greener economy and provide better job opportunities for young people. 



imgDecade on Ecosystems Restoration

During the UN Decade, the United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth through the Children and Youth Organisation accredited to UNEP and SDG 2 Working Group will facilitate the engagement of youth advocates, youth-led restoration initiatives, and a wide range of formal and informal youth groups.

imgTide Turners Plastic Challenge Badge

The Tide Turners Plastic Challenge Badge, supported and funded by the UK Government’s Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture, has recently been developed as part of UNEP's Clean Seas Campaign to educate young people about plastic pollution and to encourage them to play a part in resolving pressing environmental issues.


imgPlaying for the Planet

UNEP has been working with the gaming industry to explore how, through their massive reach, they can inspire young people to learn and act in support of the environment. The gaming industry reaches 1 in 3 people on the planet and has a platform with unprecedented influence.


imgChildren and Youth Major Group

Children and Youth are advocates for future generations. As the issues we are addressing today will have a deep impact on present and future generations, the contributions of the Children and Youth Major Group are indispensable for UNEP’s work on policy and programmatic level.


imgAnatomy of Action

The Anatomy of Action outlines the top level changes any individual can make to support the growing shift to global sustainability.





imgThe Little Book of Green Nudge

The Little Book of Green Nudges is a quick guide to reducing your campus' environmental impact through behavioural change in the form of a concise and user-friendly publication. It summarizes the evidence around what nudges work best while seeking to encourage more sustainable practices among students and staff across several behavioural categories. It also provides simple guidance on how to implement and evaluate behavioural interventions in a variety of contexts. 


Earth School

Earth School was co-created by UNEP and Ted-Ed to provide kids, parents and teachers all over the world with engaging nature-focused content to stay connected to nature during the global covid-19 pandemic, which has seen approximately 1.5 billion children out of school. 



Youth and Education Alliance

The Youth and Education Alliance (YEA!) works with both higher education and youth networks from around the world to increase environmental awareness and education among students and young people to accelerate the environmental changes that urgently need to be made in this decade.











Youth 2030 Strategy

This Youth Strategy acts as an umbrella framework to guide the entire UN as it steps up its work with and for young people across its three pillars – peace and security, human rights, and sustainable development – in all contexts. It seeks to significantly strengthen the UN’s capacity to engage young people and benefit from their views, insights and ideas. It seeks to ensure the UN’s work on youth issues is pursued in a coordinated, coherent and holistic manner.