12 Nov 2019 Editorial Oceans & seas

UN Environment Programme and the Ocean Foundation sign MoU

The MoU was signed in September 2019 in keeping with recommendations and decisions emanating from the 8th SPAW STAC (STAC8) held in Panama (December 2018), and 15th COP to the Cartagena Convention (COP15) held in Honduras (June 2019), respectively.

This new partnership supports the request by Contracting Parties for the Secretariat to work with The Ocean Foundation to address ocean acidification as a regional topic of common concern as acknowledged by the Contracting Parties to the SPAW Protocol. This would include the development and implementation of joint strategies and pilot projects, and recalling the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in particular Target 3 of SDG 14 which aims to “minimize and address the impacts of ocean acidification, including through enhanced scientific cooperation at all levels”.

It will also promote development of initiatives that facilitate data sharing, environmental education and awareness, and capacity building  under the Cartagena Convention and its SPAW Protocol.