The Sustainable Innovation Expo is the UN Environment Assembly’s (UNEA) solutions-oriented platform for engaging the private sector through exhibits showcasing innovation and technology, panel discussions, pop-up chats and networking opportunities. 

The first edition of the Sustainable Innovation Expo (23-25 May 2016) took place in the context of the second session of the UN Environment Assembly under the overarching theme of “Delivering on the Environmental Dimension of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”. The Expo and its nearly 600 participants built on the UN Environment Programme’s existing partnerships with the private sector and created new ones. Access the full report here

The second edition of the Sustainable Innovation Expo (3-6 December 2017), brought together over 715 participants and 42 exhibits showcasing innovation and technology to tackle pollution and connecting the science to the solution. This Expo occurred in the context of the third session of the UN Environment Assembly under the overarching theme “Towards a Pollution-Free Planet” in UN Headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. Access the full report here

The most recent Sustainable Innovation Expo (11-15 March 2019) took place on the margins of the fourth UN Environment Assembly with a focus on  “Eco-Innovation and Sustainable Finance” and brought together leaders from government, private sector, international organizations and civil society to support the UN Environment Assembly’s overall theme of “Innovative Solutions to Environmental Challenges and Sustainable Consumption and Production”, where 500 of them came from the private sector. Access the full report here.

If you require any further information, please contact us at UNEP-private sector