ID: GEF-5400 Under Implementation

Targeted Research for improving understanding of the Global Nitrogen Cycle towards the…

100% Complete
Start Date:
10 April 2017
End Date:
31 December 2022


The objective of the INMS project is to improve the understanding of the global nitrogen cycle towards the establishment of an International Nitrogen Management System using targeted research. INMS is executed by the International Nitrogen Initiative, hosted by the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH). 


Component 1: Tools to apply methods for understanding Nitrogen Cycle 

This component is developing the necessary tools and approaches that form the basis for improving understanding and quantification of the global nitrogen cycle, and hence a foundation for developing the necessary interventions at global and regional scales.  Component 1 focuses on establishing methods, models and indicators, considering especially the datasets that are required.   


Component 2: Regional / global quantification of N use, flows, impacts and the quantitative benefits of applying best management practices 

The aim of this component is to apply tools, methods and data to synthesize knowledge on nitrogen flows, threats and benefits in the context of the global nitrogen cycle.  It is applying key inputs in the form of tools and methods developed in Component 1, together with outcomes from the regional demonstration activities of Component 3, to analyze the current status of N flows, threats and benefits.  


Component 3: Regional demonstration of Full Nitrogen Approach 

This component establishes targeted research demonstrations on the nitrogen cycle at a regional scale for each of the main world regions. The approach is to demonstrate how a joined up approach to nitrogen management can catalyze stronger action for a cleaner environment (water, air, greenhouse gas, ecosystems, soils) and improved food and energy production simultaneously. The choice of regional scale reflects the need to link between local and global scales, to share regionally specific lessons and to work in partnership with regional intergovernmental and other international processes.  


Component 4: Awareness raising and knowledge sharing 

The purpose of this component is to support internal and external communication and knowledge exchange in the project. Key to the success of this targeted research activity is the uptake of emerging results by other partners, ongoing engagement and exchange of ideas with stakeholders to ensure that tools and products are fit for purpose and communication of all results in the most effective way. 

$ 56,575,907
Project Grant:
$ 6,000,000
Total Value:
$ 62,575,907


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