ID: GEF-9686 Under Implementation

Mediterranean Sea Basin Environment And Climate Regional Support Project

82% Complete
Start Date:
27 April 2020
End Date:
31 March 2025


Child Project 4.1 (GEF ID 9686) supports the GEF-funded UN MedProgramme, which is the first regional multi-focal area programme in the Mediterranean covering Chemicals and Waste (C&W), International Waters (IW), Biodiversity (BD) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA), in terms of knowledge management.  

The objective of this Child Project (CP 4.1) is to foster programme-wide learning and dissemination of knowledge, effective portfolio coordination and synergistic interactions among Child Projects (CPs), gender mainstreaming actions and monitoring progress to impacts. It ensures coordination and monitoring of all CPs and focuses on increasing the capacity of programme stakeholders to address major environmental problems affecting the Mediterranean coastal areas and shallow marine environments such as pollution, impacts of climate change, coastal zone, and marine resources degradation. CP 4.1 is being executed by the MedProgramme Coordination Unit (MedPCU), which is hosted at the Mediterranean Action Plan of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP/MAP), Barcelona Convention Secretariat, Athens, Greece. 

UNEP/MAP is the Executing Agency of the Child Project, and its participating countries are Albania, Algeria, Bosnia, and Herzegovina, Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, Montenegro, Morocco and Tunisia (NB: Although Turkey did not endorse this Child Project, the country will be engaged through its overarching knowledge management, gender mainstreaming and coordination services to the entire portfolio). It should be noted that while the responsibility of the implementation of CP 4.1 is entirely attributed to the MedPCU, it relies entirely on the cooperation with and on the contributions from theMedProgramme’s Executing Partners (UNESCO/IHP, EIB, IUCN Med, GWP-Med, WWF Med, Plan Bleu, PAP/RAC, SCP/RAC ,and SPA/RAC), as well as the programme’s second Implementing Agency, EBRD. 

CP 4.1. has the following two components: 

  • Knowledge Sharing and Dissemination 
  • Coordination and Synergies 


Component 1 encompasses tools, services and activities that promote the effective use of knowledge across the MedProgramme and the dissemination of relevant information to the programme’s stakeholders.

These include:

(i) the suite of tools that comprise the Knowledge Management Platform (including a Project Management Tool, an outward-facing web portal with sub-websites for each of the CPs, databases, and data visualization tools);

(ii) a set of communication, outreach and awareness-raising products and activities, including the MedProgramme’s visual identity, promotional videos, social media campaigns, publications, awareness-raising events, knowledge exchanges, participation in global campaigns and events, and engagement with media and goodwill ambassadors; and

(iii) two Replication Atlases, intended to showcase successful/innovative practices of CPs and their potential for regional replication. 

Component 2 is dedicated to the programme-wide coordination and monitoring system that supports the implementation of all CPs ensures their consistency with the overall Programme objectives and helps capture synergies among projects and partners.

This programme-wide coordination and monitoring system includes:

(i) the MedProgramme Bulletins and regular reporting on progress and expenditures;

(ii) the Annual Stocktaking Meetings (ASM);

(iii) cooperation and synergies with the IW:LEARN  and its community;

(iv) reporting mechanisms with the Implementing Agency (IA) and the EA’s Executing Partners;

(v) the MedProgramme Gender Monitoring Framework for all gender mainstreaming activities; and

(vi) the organization of the Project Steering Committee  (PSC) meetings for the CPs implemented by UNEP. 

$ 6,623,920
Project Grant:
$ 2,500,000
Total Value:
$ 9,123,920


Albania, Egypt, The Lebanese Republic, Libya, Montenegro, Morocco, Tunisia, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Implementing Agencies:
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