30 Oct 2022 Blogpost

Event Report: UNEP & Kaiyukan Aquarium


 October 30, 2022 - the United Nations Environment Programme and Kaiyukan Aquarium hold a joint event "Only One Earth - Save our oceans, our irreplaceable planet" in Osaka.

The first half of the event featured a calligraphy performance by calligrapher Yuuna Okanishi. The powerful Kanji character for "beauty" was painted on a transparent acrylic board. It beautifully blended into the space of whale sharks and fish swimming around, creating an inspiring work of art. 

In the afternoon, the general public was invited to a talk event to discuss the issues of waste and marine plastics by UNEP Programme Officer and a staff member of Kaiyukan Aquarium. Short lectures were followed by a talk session with the Kaiyukan Director Hiroyuki Murakami, Yoshikazu Kitadani, and calligrapher artist Yuna Okanishi. They exchanged their thoughts and ideas on how we could protect our only planet and save the ocean. 




UNEP-IETC is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. Visit the IETC 30 webpage for more information! 
