Policy and strategy

Disaster Waste Management Policy/Strategy Nepal

Disaster Waste Management Policy/Strategy Nepal

Nepal is enlisted as one of the disaster-prone countries in the World. It ranks 4th, 11th and 30th in terms of climate change, earthquake and flood risk. A large amount of disaster-related waste mixed with hazardous waste was observed exposed to various infections, resulting in an adverse impact on both human health and the environment.  Effective disaster waste management and its implementation will help in the smooth recovery of the living environments and disaster risk reduction and the country is in need of addressing disaster waste management issues.

With the technical assistance of UNEP IETC, Lead Nepal had prepared the DWM Policy recommendation to Nepal Government for efficient management of disaster waste and to understand the pattern and amount of waste generated and its judicious reuse and re-utilization using 3R(Reduce, Reuse & Recycle) principle.


  • Chemicals & waste