Policy and strategy

Waste Management Strategy and Action Plan for Mandalay City (2017-2030)

Waste Management Strategy and Action Plan for Mandalay City (2017-2030)

The City Waste Management Strategy and Action Plan for Mandalay (CWMSAP) gives a long-term vision and guide to Mandalay City Development Committee (MCDC) for its efforts towards transforming from the traditional waste management practices (waste collection and disposal) to more sustainable waste management practices including 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) to achieve a resource-efficient and zero waste society.

Specific targets and actions have also been developed for each strategy via a consultative process with key stakeholders to ensure efficient operation of waste management and recycling activities in the city.

However, the specific processing or disposal technologies identified in this strategy and action plan need to be finalized after reviewing their practical applicability to the local financial, environmental, social and cultural context.

This report was published in collaboration with CCET – the IGES Centre Collaborating with UNEP on Environmental Technologies. You can access further information via CCET's website (https://www.ccet.jp/).



  • Chemicals & waste