
The energy sector can cut greenhouse gas emissions by 12.5 gigatonnes (Gt) annually. Humanity does not need to wait for new inventions.

It has the technology to deliver this huge reduction by transitioning to renewable energy and being more efficient with the power it consumes.

Actions are required at every level: government, private sector and the public.

  • Commit to more ambitious Nationally Determined Contributions and energy transition strategies
  • Set national and sub-national decarbonization and net-zero carbon targets
  • Halt policies that support the fossil fuel industry, including excessive subsidies
  • Introduce policies that incentivize renewable energy and promote energy efficiency
  • Monitor and reduce your company’s energy usage and strive for energy efficiency
  • Embrace the opportunities that a transition to renewable energy will create across your supply chains
  • Divest holdings in fossil fuel companies
  • Set decarbonization and net-zero carbon targets
  • Urge your politicians to propose and vote for ambitious policies for renewable energy and energy efficiency
  • Push for and support policies for renewable energy and energy efficiency
  • Speak up at work to make renewable energy and reduction a collective issue
  • Advocate for renewable energy and energy efficiency in your organization
  • Talk to friends about the need for renewable energy and energy efficiency
  • Attend or arrange events or communities in support for renewable energy and energy efficiency
  • Join a local or national organization supporting renewable energy and energy efficiency
  • Understand how much energy you use and try to consume less of it
  • Use energy that comes from renewable sources if possible
  • Divest from investments or pension funds investing in fossil fuels
  • If possible, choose utilities and operators committed to decarbonization and energy efficiency

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