25 Aug 2010 Story Oceans & seas

New RAC Directors Onboard

Two gentlemen came on board recently as new directors of NOWPAP Regional Activity Centres, stepping up the ongoing efforts for the implementation of NOWPAP activities.  Mr. Norihiko TANAKA from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan has replaced Mr. Hidemasa Yamamoto as the new CEARAC director and Mr. Hongbo SHANG from the Policy Research Centre for Environment and Economy of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of China became the new director of DINRAC to succeed Mr. Jianguo Wang, who had finished his 9-years service for DINRAC.  In recognizing his contribution to DINRAC and NOWPAP in general, Mr. Wang was given a plaque of appreciation.   We warmly welcome Mr. Tanaka and Mr. Shang on board and wish Mr. Yamamoto and Mr. Wang a bright future at their new posts.