25 Aug 2010 Story Oceans & seas

NOWPAP at the 3rd East Asian Seas Partnership Council Meeting

The Third East Asian Seas Partnership Council Meeting was held in Dandong, China on 26-29 July 2010.  NOWPAP was invited to the meeting as a non-country partner.  In addition to reviewing several reports that summarize the progress and achievements of PEMSEA, the meeting discussed issues relevant to PEMSEA transformation and sustainability.  It was expressed at the meeting that NOWPAP considers PEMSEA as an important regional project/organization and has participated actively in the implementation of SDS-SEA as a partner and will continue to do so in the future.  During the meeting, NOWPAP representative delivered positive message on behalf of GPA for continued collaboration with PEMSEA and circulated a leaflet of Global Partnership on Nutrient Management (GPNM).  He also represented UNEP, as requested, during the discussion on GEF-IW Stock-taking for the East Asia region.