25 May 2017 Story Oceans & seas

NOWPAP at the Busan International Organizations Academy

May 24, 2017: Ms. Jihee Yi, NOWPAP Programme Management Assistant, following the invitation of the Busan Metropolitan City and Busan Foundation of International Cooperation, delivered lecture to students and recent graduates taking part in the Busan International Organizations Academy. Ms. Yi informed students about various activities of the United Nations Environment Programme and NOWPAP. During the interactive discussion that followed, Ms. Yi answered many questions from students, including about the UN core values, professional competencies being sought and various career tracks in the organization. NOWPAP is in the process of establishing continuing internship program in the Regional Coordinating Units in Toyama and Busan and this lecture was an important step to raise awareness and stimulate interest among recent graduates in Busan area in the NOWPAP internships.


Jihee Yi, NOWPAP Programme Assistant, delivers lecture to students at the Busan International Organizations Academy