25 Feb 2017 Story Oceans & seas

World Ocean Summit explore ways on how to bring the blue economy into being

How to finance a sustainable ocean economy was shed light on by the fourth World Ocean Summit which was held in Bali, Indonesia, on February 22nd-24th 2017.

The summit was organized by the Economist and convened businesses, industry groups, scientists, governments and ocean advocates. The meeting discussed the blue economy approach and how to align economic activity with sustainable management of the oceans. The participants put their minds to the topics including the ocean economy; the ocean business; financing the sustainable ocean economy; the Ocean Conference and sustainable development goal (SDG) 14; climate change and the ocean; tech revolution; and China’s ocean policy.

The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) launched the Clean Seas Campaign in the summit advocating to eliminate use of micro-plastics in cosmetics and production of single-sue plastic by 2022.