15 Sep 2020 Press Release Oceans & seas

NOWPAP and PEMSEA to Renew Bilateral Cooperation

The Northwest Pacific Action Plan (NOWPAP) and the Partnerships in the Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA) discussed the renewal of a long-standing cooperation agreement between the two organizations regarding sustainable development and management of marine and coastal environment. Representatives from both organizations explored cooperation in various fields in a bilateral teleconference on 15 September 2020.

Ms. Aimee Gonzales, Executive Director of PEMSEA Resource Facility, presented the Twelfth East Asian Seas Partnership Council Meeting's outcomes, preparing the East Asian Seas Congress in 2021, and PEMSEA work towards a blue economy. Dr. Yegor Volovik, NOWPAP Coordinator, informed PEMSEA that NOWPAP is to revise its Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter and to develop the Regional Action Plan on Marine and Coastal Biodiversity Conservation. He also introduced other ongoing projects like eutrophication assessment in cooperation with Google Earth Engine and marine litter activities.

Both sides had a detailed discussion on how PEMSEA and NOWPAP benefit from close cooperation in the integrated river basin and coastal zone management, and how NOWPAP could share knowledge available and its best practices and experience in addressing risks and negative impacts of spills of oil and hazardous and noxious substances.

PEMSEA and NOWPAP signed a Letter of Cooperation in 2007. They agreed to share data and information, experience, and opportunities in capacity building to protect the marine environment and sustainable use of marine and coastal resources. The agreement was extended in 2010. In this virtual meeting, both sides agreed to renew this agreement, further strengthen the partnership and enhance information exchange.