25 May 2009 Story Oceans & seas

8th DINRAC Focal Points Meeting convened

NOWPAP Data and Information Network Regional Activity Centre (DINRAC) has recently completed its 8th Focal Points Meeting in Beijing.  During the three-day meeting on 19-21 May 2009, DINRAC Focal Points approved the workplan and budget for 2010-2011 that is to be submitted to NOWPAP 14th IGM at the end of this year for adoption.  DINRAC will form a working group to develop an activity on alien species, visualize the current DINRAC website using the web-based GIS and maintain its internet communication system among member states.  In addition to DINRAC Focal Points and national experts, Directors of each NOWPAP RAC and representatives of NOWPAP RCU also attended the meeting where they had sideline interviews with a consultant for NOWPAP RCU performance review.