06 Jun 2008 Story Oceans & seas

UNEP Deputy Executive Director visited Toyama

On 31 May 2008, Ms. Angela Cropper, Deputy Executive Director of UNEP, visited NOWPAP RCU office in Toyama where she exchanged opinions and ideas with RCU staff members after being briefed on NOWPAP activities. While in Toyama, she paid a courtesy visit to Governor of Toyama Prefecture and Mayor of Toyama City to express appreciation for their support for the operation of NOWPAP RCU Toyama Office. She also visited ECO TOWN, a large recycling complex, to see the automobile recycling process. She came to Japan to attend the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) held in Yokohama from 28 to 30 May 2008. After TICAD, she visited another UNEP office in Osaka (IETC) before coming to Toyama.