06 Dec 2022 News

UNEP Supports Iraq in Keeping Up with Montreal Protocol Commitments

Image provided by OzonAction West Asia


2 December 2022, Beirut, Lebanon – The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) OzonAction Compliance Assistance Programme (CAP), West Asia Office, organized a three-day coordination meeting at the Landmark Hotel in Amman, Jordan, from 28 to 30 November 2022, which brought together representatives from the National Ozone Unit (NOU) / Ministry of Environment in Iraq and members of the UNEP CAP West Asia team to discuss progress achieved in the implementation of Montreal Protocol funded projects in Iraq, namely the second stage of the HCFC phase-out management plan (HPMP) and Phase V of the Institutional Strengthening Project (ISP), as well as challenges faced and the support that can be provided to the NOU and national team to ensure the sound implementation of activities under those two projects.

The meeting also provided an opportunity to go through the financial and operational obligations as well as reporting requirements that fall within the framework of the project’s cooperation agreements signed between UNEP and the government of Iraq, to ensure the effective and timely implementation and delivery of planned activities, as well as sound reporting as per the agreed upon format and conditions.


In combination with the meeting, and given the good progress achieved by some Jordanian companies in introducing alternative energy-efficient technologies using natural refrigerants, two site visits were organized for representatives of Iraqi industries using Ozone depleting Substances (ODS) to benefit from their experience in replacing ODS with environment-friendly alternative technologies.

The first site visit took place at Petra Engineering Industries, a lead and pioneer company, both at the regional and global levels, in testing and converting production to use long-term alternatives in the air conditioning sector. The second site visit took place at Abdin Industrial Establishment, a lead manufacturer of commercial refrigeration equipment with extensive experience in converting to available long-term alternatives including hydrocarbons (HCs) and CO2.

On the last day of the meeting, Mr. Khaled Klaly, UNEP’s Montreal Protocol Regional Coordinator in West Asia, also visited the Royal Scientific Society of Jordan and met with a group of representatives to discuss areas of potential joint cooperation and support, particularly in what relates to the implementation of the Kigali Amendment related projects including the development and implementation of HFCs Phase-down Plans (KIPs) in the region.

For more information:

Khaled Klaly,
Montreal Protocol Regional Coordinator,
UNEP, OzonAction CAP West Asia
Email: khaled.klaly@un.org