Kenya Ongoing Agriculture

Inclusive green horticultural processing sector in Kenya

In Kenya, horticulture is the fastest growing subsector in the agricultural sector, recording average growth of 15% to 20% per year. Nevertheless, growth is hindered by the high cost of energy inputs. In addition, the resource-intensive nature of the horticultural processing industry and its high dependency on natural resources pose significant challenges for its development in the light of Kenya’s vulnerability to climate change. In view of this, there is an undeniable need to switch to improved resource efficiency and sustainable consumption. The horticultural processing sector faces a number of financial, technical, policy and market constraints that hinder the switch to green, however, especially for micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). This project aims to foster the transition to green in the Kenyan horticultural processing industry by providing MSMEs, eco-entrepreneurs and business service providers in the subsector with the knowledge and tools they need to adopt sustainable consumption and production practices and seize green economy opportunities.