The Mediterranean Action Plan’s strategic response to COVID-19: a blueprint for action

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In the context of the articulation of the UNEP COVID-19 strategic response, this document identifies the main issues and priorities of relevance to the mandate of UNEP/MAP. The UNEP/MAP action on COVID-19 will be part of the global response led by UNEP with a focus on the Mediterranean region and its specificities.

The reflection is articulated around the blocks set forth in the UNEP’s COVID-19 Response paper "Working With the Environment to Protect People", namely: (1) The medical and humanitarian emergency phase; (2) A transformational change for nature and people; (3) Investing to build back better; and (4) Modernising global environmental governance, with a focus on elements related to the UNEP/MAP—Barcelona Convention system’s legal and policy framework.

This document should also be read in the context of the United Nations Secretary General’s report on the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 and the UN Sustainable Development Group’s framework for the immediate socio-economic response to the crisis and its impact.

The implementation of the priority actions identified in this document will be based on partnerships and coordination with regional and global actors, including in primis the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention, as well as the BRS Conventions, CBD, FAO/GFCM, WHO, ACCOBAMS, OECD, the Mediterranean Commission for Sustainable Development and UNEP/MAP non-governmental Partners.

At a later stage UNEP/MAP system will assess which of the priority response actions can be achieved through its approved Programme of Work and existing activities, possibly with minor adjustments and/or redirection, and which actions require new activities in the framework of the next Medium-Term Strategy and Programmes of Work.