03 Nov 2019 News

UNEP/MAP holds a regional consultation with stakeholders as part of COP21 preparations

UNEP/MAP—Barcelona Convention Secretariat convened a regional consultation on the themes of COP21, the 21st Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention (COP21).

The consultation meeting took place on 24-25 October 2019 in Athens, Greece, and saw the participation of more than 20 representatives of several civil society and intergovernmental organizations working in the Mediterranean region.

UNEP/MAP presented the main elements of the COP 21 Ministerial Declaration (Naples Declaration) and the milestones of the ongoing participatory process, which included an online consultation involving members of the Mediterranean Commission for Sustainable Development (MCSD).

Representatives of UNEP/MAP Regional Activity Centres provided insights into the four core themes of COP21, namely biodiversity and marine protected areas, marine litter, the blue economy and climate change.

The subsequent interactive discussions with and among participants generated suggestions and proposals pertaining to the work of UNEP/MAP—Barcelona Convention Secretariat and avenues for a more effective implementation of the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols.

In addition, participants discussed proposals for a greater participation of stakeholders in the preparation of the UNEP/MAP Medium-Term Strategy for 2022-2027.

Key messages formulated by participants will be formally considered in the drafting of the Naples Declaration.

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