The Mediterranean Strategy on Education for Sustainable Development

Title of the Flagship Initiative as it appears in the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development (MSSD)

“Implement the Mediterranean Strategy on Education for Sustainable Development (MSESD), which promotes the integration of the principles, values and practices of sustainable development into all aspects of education and learning”


This initiative is linked to Objective 6 (Strategic Direction 6.4) of the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development (MSSD): “Improving governance in support to sustainable development”.


Endorsed in 2014 by the Ministers for Environment and Climate Change of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), the Mediterranean Strategy on Education for Sustainable Development (MSESD) aims to ensure that national frameworks support ESD, promote sustainability through all levels and types of education, develop educators’ competencies, and promote materials, research and cooperation on ESD.

The MSESD is also included in the Athens Declaration of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention at COP 19 .


An Action Plan adopted by the Nicosia ESD Ministerial Conference (2016) set the implementation of the Strategy into motion.

The Mediterranean Committee on ESD was formed to support the Mediterranean countries and monitor implementation for the entire region.


  • Nine national and regional training sessions took place in Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, Greece, Jordan, Palestine, Tunisia, supported by European Union, UNEP/MAP and UfM funds.
  • 600 administrators and educators were engaged in interactive workshops and dialogue.
  • Five national ESD policy frameworks were developed, considering the MSESD.
  • 19 countries were technically supported in promoting ESD in their national contexts.
  • One Flagship Project of UNESCO/GAP was dedicated to the Action Plan of MSESD.


Country Members: of the Mediterranean Committee on ESD: Croatia, Cyprus (chair), Greece, Jordan, Malta, and Portugal

Institution Members:

Committee’s Secretariat:

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