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Yerzhan Nuridenov - Kazakhstani, Europe

2017 Winner | | Kazakhstani

The "Smart SolarWind Tree" is a smart installation that simultaneously generates the energy of the sun and wind in an urban environment. We have developed for this project a clever anti-vandal self-cleaning solar panel made of impact-resistant polycarbonate and a new type of modular wind generator Savonius with air pockets. Recently we made a 6-meter sample in the form birch tree with our partners. At night, the installation illuminates the place around the tree with energy-saving LED lamps, in the absence of people, multi-coloured energy-saving LED ribbons are used to decorate the city at night. In the winter, a smart tree warms benches so that people can sit comfortably and it can heat the sidewalks around the tree so that people do not fall during the glaze ice.

I was born in Kazakhstan in the city of Atyrau. Since graduation I have grown fond of science and technology. I love to study and invent new things. For over 8 years I have been studying renewable energy sources of which more than 4 years have been practical. I am engaged in the field of renewable energy and designing various new smart types of solar panels and wind generators of a new generation.

إخلاء مسؤولية: ملحوظة: تمت مشاركة هذا المحتوى عبر الإنترنت لدورة برنامج أبطال الأرض الشباب لعام 2019 ولم يتم تحديثه. لا يدل هذا الإدراج ضمنا على دعم برنامج الأمم المتحدة للبيئة أو تأييده له..

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