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Miranda Wang - American, North America

2018 Победитель | | American

BioCellection is tackling the plastic crisis by developing an economical recycling solution for currently unrecyclable plastic waste. The team has developed a chemical process that transforms plastics into renewable chemicals for sustainable virgin-quality materials. The  team aspires to process seventeen metric tons of plastic waste in California per year. At commercial scale, BioCellection fabricates modular process skids to treat plastic waste on a regional level around the world. Products from these regions are centralized and purified in chemical facilities.

Miranda is the co-founder and CEO of Novoloop. In 2017 she co-invented a promising chemical recycling process and has been bringing together city governments, waste management companies, and material manufacturers in pilot projects to scale up the invention. She is an Echoing Green Fellow, TED Speaker, and CNN Tomorrow’s Hero.

Отказ от ответственности: ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: данный текст был размещен в рамках ежегодного конкурса «Молодые чемпионы Земли» за 2019 год и с тех пор не обновлялся. Данный текст не представляет собой специального одобрения со стороны Программы ООН по окружающей среде *.

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