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Mariama Mamane - Burkinabé, Africa

2017 Победитель | | Burkinabé

Jacigreen offers an innovative, eco-friendly solution to the problem of water hyacinth in Africa and the devastating degradation of cropland caused by chemical fertilizers. The invasive alien species hyacinth grows very rapidly in the waterways of the Niger River. Although not inherently harmful, initially purifying the waterway in which it grows, water hyacinth becomes a problem once it reaches a certain maturity by suffocating aquatic life. Jacigreen introduced a plant-based purification mechanism to help manage fresh water sustainably and improve access to drinking water.  

Mariama joined the Scouts at a very young age. This helped her to develop her leadership skills and creativity, and to become an advocate for sustainable development. She is an engineer in Water and Environmental Science from International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering.

Отказ от ответственности: ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: данный текст был размещен в рамках ежегодного конкурса «Молодые чемпионы Земли» за 2019 год и с тех пор не обновлялся. Данный текст не представляет собой специального одобрения со стороны Программы ООН по окружающей среде *.

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