UN Environment Documents

The UN Environment Medium Term Strategy is a strategic document that sets out UN Environment’s vision, objectives, priorities and impact measures for a four-year period.

It sets out the strategic focus of UN Environment including sub-programme objectives, Expected Accomplishments and implementation strategies; the associated overall business strategy; a description of UN Environment’s corporate risk management strategy; and arrangements for the evaluation of the Medium Term Strategy. 

    Medium Term Strategy 2018-2021

    Medium Term Strategy 2014-2017

    Medium Term Strategy 2010-2013

    The Biennial Programme of Work and Budget is UN Environment’s actual work plan and budget document. It builds on the Medium Term Strategy and provides the human and financial resource estimates and outputs for UN Environment corporate functions and each sub-programme.

    The Programme of Work also presents the objectives, strategy, results framework and resource requirements of executive management, the seven sub-programmes and the programme support functions.

    Biennial Programme of Work 2018-2019

    Proposed Biennial Programme of Work 2016-2017

    Proposed Biennial Programme of Work 2014-2015

    Biennial Programme of Work 2012-2013

    Programme Frameworks are internal UN Environment planning documents that present the context and intervention logic of the sub-programmes, explaining how projects – presented in the form of Project Concepts – are expected to deliver the Programme of Work, and how their outputs would contribute to outcomes and impact.

    For the Medium Term Strategy 2010-2013 some sub-programmes had a Programme Framework for each Expected Accomplishment, others had less. For the Medium Term Strategy 2014-2017, it was decided to have one single Programme Framework for each sub-programme. In the Medium Term Strategy 2018-2021 Programme frameworks will continue to be used to help determine which projects will be required to deliver the programme of work, and to ensure that there is both a causal logic between the projects and the results in the medium-term strategy and programme of work, as well as synergy between projects.

    Project Documents specify the project boundaries in terms of project duration and planned resources and show the logical flow of project elements towards a clearly specified objective. All UN Environment Project Concepts are reviewed and approved by the Senior Management Team as part of a Programme Framework and the Programme of Work.

    Fully developed Project Documents are reviewed by a Project Review Committee. Not all Project Documents are available online, except for Global Environment Facility-funded projects which can be downloaded here.

    UN Environment Strategic Priorities 

    The Bali Strategic Plan for Technology Support and Capacity Building is an inter-governmentally agreed framework for strengthening the capacity of governments in developing countries and countries with economies in transition to coherently address their needs, priorities and obligations in the field of the environment. The Bali Strategic Plan for Technology Support and Capacity Building was initially adopted by the 23rd Session of UNEP's Governing Council in February 2005.

    South-South Cooperation  is an essential cross-cutting mechanism designed to enhance UN Environment’s ability to deliver environmental capacity building and technology-support activities in developing countries and regions of the South. The implementation of the South-South Cooperation initiative is being carried out as part of the Bali Strategic Plan for Technology Support and Capacity Building