Current Projects

Country: Indonesia

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The objective of this project is to operate and expand the network of fisheries refugia in the South China Sea and the Gulf of Thailand for the improved management of fisheries and critical marine habitats linkages to achieve the medium and longer-term goals of the fisheries component of the Strategic Action Programme for the South China Sea.

The project is executed regionally by the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center in partnership with the government agencies responsible for fisheries in the six participating countries, namely Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam. Activities are clustered into four major components:  

Component 1: Identification and management of fisheries and critical habitat linkages at priority fisheries refugia;  

Component 2: Improving the management of critical habitats for fish stocks of transboundary significance via national and regional actions;  

Component 3: Information Management and Dissemination; and 

Component 4: National and regional cooperation and coordination for integrated fish stock and critical habitat management.  

The project is relevant to the waterbody-based Operational Program focusing on international waters with relevance to biological diversity. 

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