• Overview

This meeting is part of the activities of UNEP OzonAction's Regional Montreal Protocol Network for Europe and Central Asia (ECA network). Simultaneous interpretation of English – Russian will be provided.

During the first part of the meeting, the Evaluation and Monitoring Officer of the Multilateral Fund Secretariat will present the evaluation practices and prospects in the Multilateral Fund of the Montreal Protocol. In the second part, ECA network and associated CEIT countries will have the opportunity to share information on their recent activities related to HCFC phase-out, HFC phase-down, HFC preparatory projects and World Ozone Day activities. Besides the invited experts, participants include Article 5 and associated CEIT countries, bilateral partners, and partner agencies.

The agenda items are:
1)    Brief introduction to Zoom meetings with interpretation (choose your language channel)
2)   Welcome and introductory remarks – Mr. Halvart Koeppen, UNEP OzonAction
3)   Independent evaluation in the Multilateral Fund of the Montreal Protocol: practices and prospects – Ms. Nuria Castells Cabre (Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Officer) and Mr. Joel Pare-Julien (Programme Assistant)
The session will introduce the staff of the Evaluation and Monitoring Office, provide an overview of evaluation theories and linkages to environmental issues, and explain the roles of UNEP and the Multilateral Fund Secretariat. It will present success stories and selected examples and brief participants on the preparation of the forthcoming evaluation work programme for 2022.
4)   Briefing by ECA network and associated CEIT countries on highlights, challenges and achievements (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Montenegro, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan)
ECA network and associated CEIT countries will be invited to share information on their recent activities related to HCFC phase-out, HFC phase-down, HFC preparatory projects and World Ozone Day activities. This is also an opportunity to suggest future network activities, regional initiatives or to express needs for assistance or topics for forthcoming ECA meetings.

Click HERE for more information about this meeting


Halvart Koppen
Montreal Protocol Regional Coordinator
Email: halvart.koppen[at]un.org