
Network: West Asia

Showing 21 - 28 of 28

28 results found

Dubai, The United Arab Emirates OzonAction event
The forum is intended to facilitate the sharing of experiences between the key players in the foam sector in West Asia to ensure that WA countries experience a seamless transition to the new climate and ozone-friendly technologies with minimal disruptions and without distracting them from reaching their existing targets for HCFC phase-out and to reduce the growth of HFCs, thereby reducing future costs to both the Multilateral Fund and the environment.

Categorized Under: Foam West Asia The United Arab Emirates

Beijing, China OzonAction event
This meeting is organised by UN Environment OzonAction in cooperation with China's Foreign Economic Cooperation Office/Ministry of Environmental Protection (FECO/MEP).

Categorized Under: South AsiaSouth East AsiaWest Asia China

World Ozone Day
Ozone day 2017
2017 marked the 30 anniverary of the Montreal Protocol.  World Ozone Day theme: Caring for all life under the sun In the documents secton is a list of WOD reports from countries around the world.

Showing 21 - 28 of 28