08 May 2023 News

Ozone Officers of 26 English-speaking African countries meet in Kigali on HFC phasedown and Montreal Protocol…


Rwanda, 8 May 2023The Regional Meeting for National Ozone Officers of the English-Speaking African Network was held in Kigali, Rwanda from 8 to 10 May 2023.  The meeting was organized by the UNEP OzonAction Compliance Assistance Programme team in Africa to facilitate the sharing of experiences and good practices in various areas under the Montreal Protocol among countries of the African network. It was also an opportunity for these countries to further discuss strategies and approaches to their Kigali HFC Phase-down Implementation Plan (KIP) and the situation relating to HCFC phase-out/HFC phase-down in the refrigeration and air-conditioning (RAC) applications and to identify the challenges and technical and policy support to ensure country compliance with obligations.

The meeting was attended by 26 out of 28 countries of the English-speaking African networks (37 male, 30 female). Representatives of the following United Nations bodies and specialized agencies also attended: Representatives of the Secretariat of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol (virtual participation), the Ozone Secretariat, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ).  The following intergovernmental, non-governmental, industry, academic and other bodies were also represented: World Customs Organization (WCO) and F-GAS.

Ms Juliet Kabera, Director General of the Rwanda Environment Management Authority officially opened the meeting. In her opening statement Ms Kabera highlighted that Rwanda has realized the establishment of Africa Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Cooling and Cold Chain (ACES).  She said, “ACES is a partnership between the government of Rwanda and UNEP, supported by the UK government and being implemented through universities in Rwanda and UK. It will become the training ground with state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, for refrigeration technicians, business model incubation and development, testing facilities for different technologies and a ground for innovation, in the agricultural and vaccine cold chains. ACES will catalyse the development of cold chain solutions that are more efficient, more climate friendly, and cheaper to buy and operate. This will provide farmers and pharmaceutical providers with access to pre-cooling, refrigerated storage and refrigerated transport – ensuring products reach people in safe and good condition. The government of Rwanda maintains that a healthy ozone layer and climate are key to meeting all the sustainable development goals, since the Montreal Protocol and its Kigali Amendment protect people and Mother Earth.”

Speaking at the opening session, Ms Maria Socorro Manguiat, Deputy Executive Secretary of the Ozone Secretariat hoped that this meeting would help parties to the Montreal Protocol filter the key elements of the MOP34 outcomes and to prepare for the line-up of ozone-related meetings for this year.

In his opening remarks, Mr. James Curlin, Head of OzonAction, UNEP Law Division reiterated that that the regional networks are designed to strengthen the capacity of Ozone Officers to successfully manage their national programmes and projects, which are needed for countries to achieve and sustain compliance with their obligations under the Montreal Protocol. He highlighted the importance of every country meeting the next target for HCFCs, which is the 67.5% reduction step that takes effect on 1 January 2025.

The meeting discussed the KIP preparation especially the data collection and strategies, policy option/activities etc. Collection of HFC data is a common challenge for many countries, which need continued attention and assistance. It also emphasized that the NOU needs to engage the industry very closely in the KIP development process.

The IS project increased funding level by 38% and extension to 3 years under each phase is welcomed by countries. However, a country needs close guidance and assistance to be better prepared on how to use the increased funding.

The meeting had a varied agenda consisting of presentations, discussions, practical demonstrations and working groups as well as interactive exercises to consider overall challenges in the region and good practices in the implementation of the Montreal Protocol.  The meeting agreed to identify key activities to be included in KIPs and to establish good collaboration with national Energy Efficiency Agencies so that energy related components of the project proposal are well coordinated and implemented. The five Parties of the Anglophone Network that have not yet ratified the Kigali Amendment are encouraged to do so by 1 December 2023.

The workshop is part of the 2023 work plan of United Nations Environment Programme Compliance Assistance Programme (CAP) to support countries in implementing their Montreal Protocol commitments.



Patrick Salifu, Regional Network Coordinator, Anglophone Africa
E-mail: patrick.salifu@un.org

Florence Asher, Programme Management Officer
E-mail: florence.asher@un.org