
OzoNews, Volume XX, 15 March 2020 issue

OzoNews, Volume XX, 15 March 2020 issue

In this issue: 1. Kigali Amendment latest ratications
2. Servicing tail for HCFCs: What is it & why does it matter?
3. Customs fostering Sustainability for People, Prosperity and the Planet: A few words about the theme of the year 2020
4. Effects of ozone layer depletion on plants
5. Pesticide classication scale scopes out risk
6. Montreal Protocol: insights on women’s role and contribution at national and international level, on the International Women's Day, 
7. Lao People’s Democratic Republic clamps down on refrigerant smugglers
8. Ministry holds meeting to train workers in refrigeration sector
9. ASHRAE Resources available to address COVID-19 concerns
10. GreenChill Webinar: Small and Independent Grocers Partnering with GreenChill
11. REAL Alternatives 4 LIFE offers FREE e-learning certificate
